Key Environmental Solutions, LLC specializes in many environmental services, bringing the highest quality, greatest knowledge and experience base in this region. We are highly dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, superior scientific expertise, and unwavering integrity to all of our clients. Creative solutions, coupled with a common-sense, cost-conscious approach to permitting and projects is what sets us apart from the rest. Our mission for all of our clients is to deliver permitting solutions while ensuring the client’s vision and purpose is consistently carried out in every phase of the project.
Key Environmental Solutions, LLC can provide an array of services including:
Is determining fish presence or absence. Protocol streamtyping is used in Forest Practices to determine the break between Type F and Type Np/Ns Streams. The streams must be typed to determine the buffer widths placed on them. When a project has a stream on it, again the fish presence or absence is required so the proper buffer can be established. KES will assist you in determining whether or not you have a stream.
Stream Design
KES designs stream restoration projects as a result of past practices that typically are not allowing the stream to function properly. Stream design involves assessing the stream to figure out and design what it needs or is missing. This can involve culvert barrier assessments, placing LWD, removing invasive species in the riparian area, removing dikes and tidegates, replanting the riparian area, adding spawning gravels, etc.
Bridge Design
KES is capable of determining whether or not a project requires a bridge and can determine the length of a bridge. She has built excellent relationships with bridge engineers.
Contractor (referrals)
KES can provide contractor referrals, for stream restoration work, culvert and bridge placement, septic tank installation, tree planting contractors, and general contractors.
Construction Oversight
KES provides construction oversight on stream and wetland restoration projects. KES works closely with the contractor to follow the designs and make in-field changes to make sure the restoration work is completed properly. Usually KES is the project contact person on the ground so the contractors can keep working.
Riparian Assessments
KES evaluates the riparian area to see if it is functioning properly. KES assesses the plants and trees in the riparian area of a stream or wetland, looks for non-native and invasive species, looks at the density of plants and trees the riparian areas health, its ability to provide LWD; we look for snags for habitat use for birds and other wildlife.
KES owns a Smith-Root LR-24 electroshocker and is a certified operator. The electroshocker is used for fish removal for in-water construction projects, streamtyping and fish presence or absence.
Culvert Sizing
KES specializes in water-crossing culverts, determining size, style, and allowing for fish passage where necessary. KES is also approved on the state fish barrier culvert assessment consultant list.
KES provides permitting assistance for any development or land use impacting critical areas. Such as basic site plans, critical area applications, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA), Biological Assessments or Opinions (BA’s or BO’s), Forest Practice Applications (FPA), Reasonable Use Exemptions (RUE), etc.
Engineering (referrals)
KES has developed good working relationships with the following professional engineers: civil engineers, structural engineers, and hydraulic engineers (stream restoration).
Fish Removal
KES safely removes fish temporarily from in-water work areas; then returns them to the water once conditions are safe again.
Maintenance and Monitoring
KES provides maintenance and monitoring for stream restoration, riparian plantings, wetlands and wetland buffers, and wildlife enhancement areas.
LWD Placement
KES uses Large Woody Debris (LWD) placement in most of our stream and wetland restoration projects. LWD provides habitat for fish, bank protection, captures gravel for spawning, channel diversity and complexity and shade.
Wetland Delineations & Mitigation Plans
Key McMurry is a Senior Professional Wetland Scientist (SPWS), skilled at wetland delineation, wetland rating, and wetland mitigation planning. A jurisdictional wetland delineation is required when the boundary between the wetland and upland is needed. A jurisdictional wetland delineation involves: flagging the wetland boundary, rating the wetland, maps, and writing a report. KES will perform a lower level wetland or critical area reconnaissance, which is usually adequate for determining if a wetland is present and what category the wetland is. The wetland category determines the width of the wetland buffer that is placed around the wetland. A mitigation plan is needed when there are impacts to the wetland or wetland buffer.
Bird & Wildlife Surveys
KES is fully trained and skilled at carrying out the following surveys: Marbled Murrelet, Raptor, general bird, owl, seabirds, Mazama Pocket Gophers, elk, deer, bear, and marine mammals.
Expert Testimony
KES provides expert testimony for any critical area, such as streams, birds, wildlife and wetland issues.
Certified Storm Water Erosion Control Lead (CESCL)
The Construction Stormwater General Permit requires that site inspections be conducted by a CESCL.
Approved to work on Federal Lands
KES is approved to work on all Federally owned lands such as USFWS Wildlife Refuges, National Parks, Forest Service Lands, NRCS property, Bureau of Land Management lands, etc.
Fully Insured
KES has General and Professional Liability Insurance.